Hello, I'm Grace Park .

I am currently pursuing a Mater's degree in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science, building on my undergraduate studies in Artificial Intelligence, also from CMU. I will be graduating in May 2025 and am actively seeking full-time opportunities starting after my graduation.

I am a Software Engineer with a strong passion in applying technology and Artificial Intelligence to create a positive change. I am especially interested in the healthcare and medical industry. I believe that AI and Machine Learning deliver valuable insight in healthcare due to its ability to accurately process large amounts of data beyond the scope of human capability.


Undergraduate Researcher
  • Conducted research on the application of reinforcement learning and transformer models for Sepsis Treatment Prediction.
  • First Author of "How Consistent are Clinicians? Evaluating the Predictability of Sepsis Disease Progression with Dynamics Models" presented at ICLR 2024 Workshop TS4H. (Link to Paper) (Link to Poster)
  • Designed and trained transformer-based dynamics models using Python and Pytorch, experimenting with varying hyperparameters to optimize model performance and fine-tune large models for improved accuracy.
  • Developed and implemented experiments using dynamics models to evaluate the feasibility of predicting disease severity changes based on clinician actions using reinforcement learning with the MIMIC-IV dataset.
  • Applied advanced data preprocessing techniques to impute missing data and prepare the dataset for modeling.
  • Skills: Python, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Google Cloud Platform, Numpy, Matplotlib
January 2023 - Current | Pittsburgh, PA
Research Engineer Intern
  • Implement and compare the performance and speed of different optimizers such as SGD, Adam, and Adagrad for regression models of homomorphically encrypted data.
  • Contribute machine learning features to the HEaaN library.
  • Improved the training speed of logistic regression models by 3.6% and achieved 95% accuracy.
  • Skills: Python, PyTorch
July 2022 - August 2022 | Seoul, South Korea
Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Set up various robots such as Misty and Kinova robotic arm in the AI makerspace and prepare for opening.
  • Construct manuals and descriptions on how to use each robot.
September 2021 - May 2022 | Pittsburgh, PA
Software Engineer Intern
  • Assist in the development of computer vision technology including gaze tracking and lip reading.
  • Tools: Python, OpenCV
June 2021 - August 2021 | Seoul, South Korea



An AI created to help you stay focused on your discussion by saying “anyways… let's get back to our topic".

  • Tools: PyAudio, spaCy library
  • Uses real time speech-to-text technology.
  • Keyword similarity analysis from the spaCy natural language processing library.
  • Designed an algorithm for detecting off-topic sentences using keyword similarity.
Campus Map
Campus Map

A prototype android app to help users find the shortest route between two locations on campus.

  • Tools: Google Maps API, Kotlin
  • The app measures the distance the user walks to reach the destination from the starting point.
  • The leaderboard displays the shortest paths that other users took.
Screenshot of Drive Game
Drive! Game

A car-driving game that has a top-down view.

  • My first project!
  • Tools: Python, 112-graphics
  • The player's car is always at the center and the background mimics the real-world roads with obstacles that the car must not collide into, such as other cars, bicycles, etc. A map generation algorithm creates new random maps every time.
Screenshot of web app
Robot BlackJack

Blackjack! Interaction with a Cheating Robot During Complex Gameplay.

Accomplishments A replication study of “No fair!! An interaction with a cheating robot.” by Short et al. It was found that in a simple game of “Rock, paper, scissors" between a robot and a human participant, the participant will be more socially engaged and perceive the robot as acting more agentic if it cheats. We examine whether these differences between cheating and non-cheating behaviors remain under a more complex game “Blackjack."


Korean Student Association

Board member of CMU's KSA

  • I was actively involved in planning for various events such as food sales, mentor programs, Korean Independence Day events on campus to promote Korean culture.
  • I served as Social Media Chair for KSA. I created and managed the official Instagram account and regularly posted stories and posts.
Sept 2021 - Current | Pittsburgh, PA
Tartan Ambassador
Tartan Ambassador

Tour guide for Carnegie Mellon Univeristy's campus tour.

  • I led hour-long in-person tours across campus for a group of up to 20 visitors which include prospective students and families.
  • I learned a wide variety of information about CMU to expertly support visitors and articulate Carnegie Mellon University's brand story.
  • I answered any questions and talked about my personal experience at CMU.
May 2023 - Current | Pittsburgh, PA
Screenshot of Drive Game
Beyond Coding

Teacher of "Introduction to Programming" for middle school students.

  • I taught beginner to intermediate-level programming in python to a group of 10 middle school students.
  • I prepared for weekly 3-hour long sessions of lectures and activities.
  • I assisted students with their individual projects.
Jan 2021 - Aug 2021 | Pittsburgh, PA


Carnegie Mellon University,
School of Computer Science

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Intro to Deep Learning
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Intro to Machine Learning
    • Computational Perception
    • Modern Regression
    • Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science
    • Functional Programming
    • Intro to Computer Systems

Seoul International School

Seoul, South Korea

High School Diploma
AP Capstone Diploma


    • Member of National Honor Society
    • Executive Member of Mu Alpha Theta
    • Founder & President of STEM Club
    • Member of Varsity Tennis Team
    • Member of Forensics Team
